Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Last night after yoga, I went to the National War Memorial to view RH Thomson's Vigil 1914-1918. It was quite moving.

I went because I thought I should see, and reflect on what my responsibilities are as a human being and what they will be as a lawyer. Law is an extremely important instrument, especially perhaps in times of war. This is a privileged profession and I take that privilege seriously.

I wouldn't say that I'm a pacifist, but it is safe to say that war is never good. I don't know if I support many of the military actions that are currently ongoing, but that doesn't mean that I don't support the people who do the job. What a job it is.

It occurred to me last night that my cousin is in the military. So, I remembered how close this could be to our family.

It's my last year in Ottawa, so I'm going to take this opportunity to go the service today at the Memorial.

Photo by adam is on flickr used under Creative Commons licence

There is a Creative Commons license attached to this image. AttributionNoncommercialNo Derivative Works

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