Monday, January 19, 2009

On Truth and Reconciliation

I have a hard time talking about the status of Aboriginal people in Canada, about the apology they received this past summer, or about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. See, the problem is, I'm white.

Actually, it's not so much that I have a hard time talking about it (this does not tend to be a problem for me), it's that I maybe I should be listening right now. I'm not sure that it's my place to have an opinion about these things, except to say: please, tell me what you need me to do to make this better for you. Tell me as a woman, as a mother, as a lawyer, as a voter and taxpayer what I can do to make restitution, to make amends, to take responsibility for this country's past. I do not want to speak for you on this matter, but I do want to stand near you and echo your voices, if you want me there at your shoulder and if you want my voice joined with yours. If not, I will listen because you need to be heard. I am prepared to hear you, and I am prepared to act with you.

I hope the time has come for this. I feel like Canada's Obama moment will come when we elect our first Aboriginal Prime Minister. But shit, we could start with appointing someone to the Supreme Court. FYI: They're all white.

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