Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What a law degree may get you these days...

I listened to The Rain Song on the way home from FTX. It was raining.

I stopped to buy coffee at the convenience store. The clerk, once it was established that I was a law student, told me that he too had a law degree.

I momentarily wanted to kill myself. A job in a convenience store is not one of the legal careers I have hitherto considered. And, frankly, a law degree to work in a convenience store seems a little bit like overkill.

The moment passed. I presume the fellow was working in the convenience store because his law credentials are not recognized in Ontario/Canada. I have been told already, by one professor or another, to never make assumptions. For the sake of my sanity I am going to assume that he got his law degree in some foreign jurisdiction, but when I see him again I promise to ask him where he got his law degree from.

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