Sunday, April 29, 2007

Big Boy Joy

Conversation with the Big Boy this morning, who is with the Grands this weekend while I finish up IL:

BB: Hi Mummy [resigned voice]
Me: Hi Big Boy!
BB: Mummy, I miss you A LOT. [matter-of-fact voice]
Me: Oh, I miss you too.
BB: Where ARE you? [confused voice]
Me: Ottawa, at school.
BB: Oh, yeah. Now you've got 'zams. Lots of 'zams. [sympathetic voice]
Me: Yes, lots of exams.
BB: And lots of reading. Lots of reading. Are you coming home on Monday?
Me: Not Monday, Friday. Five sleeps [I count the sleeps with him]

He's starting to sound a lot older on the phone now. Like a little adult. I don't think I could take this much longer. He makes me too happy. I'm totally selfish for his love, his little kisses, his hysterical sense of humour, and his good company. Even if the Big Boy weren't my kid, I think we'd be friends. I mean, how can you not be friends with someone who adores you?! Aside from the adoration, there are definitely less than 10 people in this world who crack me up like he does. There's lots of other good things about him too, but if I get into them all, I'll just sound like one of those biased mothers (which would be true, but he's actually fabulous).

Saturday, April 21, 2007


It finally feels like I'm writing spring exams and not winter exams. Snow storm on Monday, but yesterday it was 18 degrees or something like that. Actually warm. I've been studying steady (almost) for the last 10 days, however, and I notice my exam rituals. I think I have three fairly reoccuring ones:

1Rroom cleaning. At the beginning of exams I always to a major clean up and then I basically have to start every day after tidying. Because by the end of a day of studying there's paper, coffee cups, glasses and the detritus of brain junk all over the place.

2) Music. This semester it's Arcade Fire, Modest Mouse, Count Basie and a little Bob Marley (because the sun finally came out). Last semester it was Chris Isaac, Sarah Harmer, Hawksley, Cat Power. Apparently I needed mellowing last semester.

3) Junk food. I bought Coke last night. This is almost the only time I drink pop. I'm not even a mixed-drink kind of pop drinker. There will probably also be Pizza Pizza, M&Ms, chips. It's kind of like an act of desperation. I have no good excuses for this one!

Anyone got good exam karma for me?

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Wow! I've been married to a nice guy for six years today. SIX YEARS! That's pretty good, I think. And what's really good is that I'm more sure today than I was eight years ago (when we got together) why we're great. It's a bit of a comfort to know that things have actually improved in our relationship over time. None of that post-honeymoon let-down. We're still getting better!

Anyway, to AHC, it really sucks that I'm not home today with you and the fruits of our (*my*) labours, but soon we'll be through this most difficult of years. History tells us that we keep getting better, so there's no reason to doubt that now...

And now that I'm in law school, I kind of love the fact that I got married in the Court of the Queen's Bench at Osgoode Hall. I loved it before, but my career path makes it extra-extra special (for the sentimentalist in me who likes tradition and lineage).

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Home Stretch

It was rather anti-climactic, but my last class of 1L occured yesterday. There's a lot going on, so I failed to notice that I'd made it this far. "Made it" being a relative term. This was kind of a crappy semester, between the vertigo and the ear infections and the family strain (they are getting so sick of me being absent). Also, I haven't really made anything until I pass those final exams, which will hopefully be at least mediocre. You know it's been a bad semester when I am hoping for mediocre.

I have two papers and four exams to go. I already miss my friends. I'm a cocooner at exam time. I don't play well with others. I'm a study group failure. I kind of hate every person who ever encouraged me to go to law school. But it will pass. I hope. Since I really like some of those people.

Good luck to my prof who had to cancel class this morning. It's the best of times and the worst of times for awhile, but it usually gets better...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

It's a Small, Small Wiki After All

I just found out that a guy I had a fling with in highschool has a wikipedia page. This is what living with your high school friend with a laptop and a highspeed wireless connection does to you.

Seriously, I should be studying.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Riot Grrls Will Not be Happy

Argh! There's a porn movie on an adult channel (which, by the way, I do not subscribe to, I just see the menu) called "Grrrl Power!" Talk about co-opting the women's movement for the wrong reasons. And something tells me it's not of the feminist porn genre. Could it be that it's on the Hustler channel. Yup, that might be it.