Thursday, January 07, 2010

Zucchini success

I have to admit, I remain astonished at how well the vegetable resolution is working. We did zucchini in omelettes last night. Tonight was vegetable rice (include zuccs) and chicken + vegetable stir fry (also with zuccs). Wow, AHC totally continues to outdo himself. Such a talent.

The Girl continues to amaze me with the willingness with which she's trying these dishes. Occasionally, I have mashed something up and stirred it into the tomato sauce or whatever (Q: "Mum, is that a pea?" A: "No, it's garlic") but I'm not totally for this whole "lying to your children" thing. I don't want to trick her into eating good food, I want her to know that it's just excellent if it's made properly, obviously with the caveat that we don't necessarily like everything.

We were supposed to do six dishes, but we're out of zucchini, so we're just going to move on to yams. I can't wait!


dirty martini said...

I am totally with you on the perils of hiding vegetables in your kids' food. Sure, your kid might get the nutrients, but you are giving them the message that veggies are GROSS and need to be hidden to be tolerated - kind of counter-productive if you ever want your kids to eat them willingly! And also totally dishonest. Yuck.

I like this woman' blog - she has a similar food philosophy.

oko1968 said...

I'm happy for your child. Let it grow and develop.