Thursday, February 15, 2007

Don't Let The Catty Out of the Bag

So my roomie had to call the landlord to come in and fix the faucet of our bathtub because it was leaking to the point that it could practically run the shower. The following exchange took place between Roomie and the Landlord between 10:00 a.m. and 10:01 a.m.:

Ll: Ok, I'll come tomorrow. You have any pets?
Rm: No, but my roommate might be there, so just knock.
Ll: Your cat? You have a cat?
Rm: No, a roommate.
Ll: Ok, you don't want me to let the cat out.
Rm: I don't have a cat, I have a roommate!

Now I can be catty but not, you know, literally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, that last line was:

Rm: I don't have a cat, I have a roommate! ... But she doesn't normally bite.

I'm afraid the joke was lost on him, so I feel the need to tell it here.

Oh, and the faucet is fixed!