Thursday, February 08, 2007

Welcome New Baby!

This morning around 4:30 a.m. my Big Sister brought into this world her fourth beautiful baby! So welcome New Baby to the world and to the family. NB weighed in at 9 lbs 1 oz (which is, according to our mother, the exact same weight as my sister was) and she is 23 inches long. So I'm resisting the urge to call her Big Baby, instead of New Baby.

Curiously, her name is spelled with the first initial of Big Sister's* other three kids first names (in order of arrival), plus the first initial of the Big Boy, and it is the Card Shark's** middle name, so it is like a little homage to the all of the kids in our family so far. Also curiously, it is just a weird coincidence that the initials form a totally normal name. So don't worry, my sister hasn't saddled the poor child with some made-up name that will get her beat up in school. I will have to figure out blog names for all of the kids and then re-name NB with whatever word the inials form when she is no longer a new baby.

Congratulations, we're all so happy :)

*It would just be wrong of me to refer to her by the initials "BS" because that is so not her. That would actually make it ironic, and therefore funny...
**Fiorellina has been renamed, at the urging of AHC, who never liked it in the first place. I'm not sold on CS either, but we'll see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saw the pictures today...Your family sure does have the 'cute' gene. She's adorable.