Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Happy New Year

As ever, the summer has disintegrated into thin air. In some ways I lament its passing, but somewhere around August I start to feel the pull of academic life. Even for the few years that I was out of school between high school and university, September, and not January, signaled the new year for me.

The Girl started grade one today. First time in full day school, though she started full time daycare when she was a year old, so being out of the house all day is nothing new for her. Different, however, is all the talk of responsibility, even on the first day. The demands on we parents shall grow ever steeper, I get the distinct impression already. Though she/we have a reprieve from homework for the first week, I have a sheaf of papers that I must dutifully fill out (emergency contact, pick up release form, optional phone and email request, immediate community walking excursion permission form, lunch information form, and a media release--which I have decided not to sign).

Also receive were the instructions of Mme G, our new teacher--and I mean "our." Instructions on: indoor shoes; bathroom procedures and expectations (I'm not kidding, there are bathroom expectations now); classroom recess toys routine ("to ensure that toys are returned and to promote students' responsibility"); attendance expectations; school year supplies (including these specific essentials: "2 storing pockets for communication and homework, must be CLEAR PLASTIC (NO COLOR[sic] VELCRO TAB OPENING, 3-HOLED"); pocket information (which will come in the aforementioned clear, velcroed storing pockets); the home binder with clear instructions on inserting tabs and labeling them in the appropriate order (in case you're wondering, the appropriate order is Room 4, School, Old Monthly Behaviour Charts, Songs' Repertoire, Vocabulary Sheets/Spelling, Sounds/Phonetic, Reading, Writing, Math Sheets, "..."); Behaviour Schoool Tracking & Home Follow-up (including a list of suggestions for a reward/consequence system); and finally the weekly schedule.


In rereading the package (I want to call it The Brick, after listening to Naomi Klein's interview on The Current this morning) I notice that the way that one of the headings is laid out on the page makes it read like "Room 4 Parents Behaviour School Tracking and Home Follow-up." Which is appropriate, since I have the distinct impression that my behaviour as a parent will be tracked and followed from now on. I've got a bit of a love-hate relationship with the school system. I have an instinct to fight some of this rule-boundedness, but then I don't want to screw my kids, do I? It's a conundrum.

Anyway, the good thing about this type of school model is that it's bound to dull some of the sharpness of their clever little minds. After school TG proudly presented me with a book she'd drawn for me today with all of my favourite things: herself, AHC, Big Boy, a castle cake, Harry Potter and my laptop. Jesus Christ. "HA! She's got you pegged," said AHC.

Bring on the rules. She needs to be a little less clever...

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