Wednesday, November 05, 2008

This Might Be A Problem

I was doing research for a paper in my Aboriginal Law class and came upon this telling FAQ page:

Is it just me, or is something wrong with that?

(Apparently you have to click on it to get the full effect. I can size it right for some inexplicable reason.)


Anonymous said...

Hmm. Strange. AHWS still exists, though, so it must just be an issue with the webpage.

Glad to see you're blogging again!

TCO said...

It's good to be back :)

It could be that it still exists, I just thought it was one of those almost-Freudian slips. Or, pathetic fallacy?

You get the point. It's somehow telling, don't you think?

Wait a're not becoming a government apologist are you?!

Anonymous said...

:-) ... yeah, it was the apologist one. I seriously took one look at the webpage and put on my public servant hat. I was worried about your ability to access information. The Freudian slip side is funny too, I guess!

TCO said...

I'm not sure, but I think I might like the photographer hat better, if the public servant hat makes you a government apologist.

I'll love you anyway, but if you become an apologist for real, I'm going to start saying things like, "legally speaking, the government is infringing my constitutional rights," and there will be nothing you can do about it.