Friday, December 05, 2008

Insight Into Political Events in Canada

My stunningly brilliant and beautiful colleague has repeatedly proven that she has an "amazing ability to see (and explain)" (as another brilliant and beautiful colleague put it) a wide variety of phenomena in this world. Here, her observations on current politics and our political leaders (reprinted with permission):

I like to view the current actions on Parliament Hill as a historical moment wherein Parliament altruistically sacrificed its dignity so that Canadians could work on their own personal issues and family relations problems.

Harper has taught us the age old lessons of natural consequences: "one must sleep in the "confidence vote" bed one makes" and "mean people suck". No one likes them and the friends they have are acquired through fear. Furthermore, all they can do is bad (ie. sending us into a constitutional and unity crisis).

Dion and Layton's actions reinforced the maxim that "one must act like an adult in order to be given adult responsibility". No amount of fist pounding, name calling, and yelling will ever get you what you want.

Bob Rae will soon teach us that the lesson of "never publicly set a limit that you are not willing to follow through on". This lesson will come when he burns down every bridge still open to the Liberal party by insisting on voting down what I think with be a drippingly generous stimulus package because he thinks Harper's an asshole.

Ignatiaf will teach us the well-known lesson of the "quiet child": the kid that makes the least amount of fuss for their parents get the biggest inheritance. His relative silence during this whole debacle will win him the Liberal leadership.
I have to say, I think she's pretty on point on all fronts. I think Harper's an asshole for proroguing. But the time for the coalition has passed, unless Harper is stupid enough to present a vindictive budget, a la economic update of last week, a second time around. Which he won't be. He's a stunningly calculating political tactician (I will give him that) and the only explanation for these events is hubris. And the fact that he's an asshole.

I hope the reason that the meeting between Harper and GG Jean took nearly three hours yesterday is because she was baking him a humble pie and spoonfeeding him every goddamned crumb of it.

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