Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Woe be the half-caf coffee

So, about a two weeks ago I was in the grocery store scrutinizing tins of coffee. Shopping always poses a bit of a dilemna for me because at home I don't normally do the shopping. I couldn't tell you what brand of coffee we drink if my life depended on it. (Well, I could now - I asked after this episode).

There I am, puzzling about which brand I should by when an older European-type man approached me. I thought he was asking advice (and I thought, 'woe to you, because I have no idea'). But alas, it was conversation he was seeking (and perhaps more, but I try not to assume these things). After a while, I just needed to go, so I sort of cut the conversation, picked up a tin without careful attention, and dashed.

This morning I was up around 6:00, had two cups of coffee and did some reading. Then I had to have a nap. I was lying in bed and, in the absence of any kind of caffeine kick, I thought to myself, 'Did I buy decaf or something?'

Lo and behold, it's a can of half-caf. This could explain why I've been feeling a little sleepy the past couple of weeks. And I thought I was coming down with something...

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