Monday, April 14, 2008

End of 2L Update, Part I

Okay, did I even comment last week about the end of 2L course work? TF&C, what's that quote from T.S. Eliot? "This is the way the world ends; not with a bang, but a whimper" is the way it goes, I think. So went 2L.

After a couple days back at the ranch to see the fam and deal with AHC business stuff (web designers, ads, gentleman's agreements), I returned to O.T. on Saturday for my last full week here. Exam on Friday, move out on Saturday, head back home and crack out a couple of papers.

This year has officially been kind of a mess, and I've had to undergo a bit of an attitude adjustment, summarized here, in order to survive my somewhat logistically ridiculous life choices. In spite of the craziness, I've actually done some work this year that I'm really proud of (a trend which will hopefully continue until April 30). The stuff that was disappointing to me was less about personal failure than about system failure. It's not easy travelling two days a week, trying to meet everyone's needs and give both family and school their due. Top off with selling a house in a crazy market, moving the family, getting the kiddies into a new school AND language, starting a new get the idea.

Exam rituals? I have cleaned my room today. So far not too much junk food, and no pop (soda water, though). It's early going though. Music on shuffle: several Beatles albums, Tragically Hip, Broken Social Scene, Led Zepplin, Bob Marley, Franz Ferdinand. Don't ask me why.

And, today is our wedding anniversary. Lucky number seven. Six years ago on our anniversary, both AHC and I decided to go back to school, me for media and he for culinary management.

Could we have imagined then any of this now?

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