Saturday, April 14, 2007


Wow! I've been married to a nice guy for six years today. SIX YEARS! That's pretty good, I think. And what's really good is that I'm more sure today than I was eight years ago (when we got together) why we're great. It's a bit of a comfort to know that things have actually improved in our relationship over time. None of that post-honeymoon let-down. We're still getting better!

Anyway, to AHC, it really sucks that I'm not home today with you and the fruits of our (*my*) labours, but soon we'll be through this most difficult of years. History tells us that we keep getting better, so there's no reason to doubt that now...

And now that I'm in law school, I kind of love the fact that I got married in the Court of the Queen's Bench at Osgoode Hall. I loved it before, but my career path makes it extra-extra special (for the sentimentalist in me who likes tradition and lineage).


A Humble Chef said...

Congratulations are in order. First to you, then to me. It may surprise some people (then again, for the people who know us, it might not) that The Closet Optimist and I were engaged a few months into our relationship (actually, we were only together in person for five weeks[long story]) and there is some evidence that though fools may rush in, we were very self aware fools. We both knew, didn't we?

Anonymous said...

AHC is correct. It's not surprising for those of us who know you ... and I was there for your initial meeting ... your first dance ... slept with you the night of your engagement (with, what, 3 other people? yes, long story) ... your first year in the same city ... your wedding ... and now on your sixth anniversary.

Congratulations ARE in order for you both. You help restore my faith in the institution of marriage (and that's saying a lot).