Thursday, January 11, 2007

Best Roommate Ever

I am pleased to announce that I have the Best Roommate Ever. Well, we all have our flaws (I'm sure living with me has its moments), but since no one is perfect, she wins the award for:
  • Letting me take a substancially full bottle of Tanqueray, an unopened bottle of Absolut, and a bottle of creme de banane (in her defence, this was left over from a former roommate of hers. And I googled it and found some recipes that sound not half bad) for my weekend in Tremblant. This appears to be a no strings attached kind of deal. She's not using it due to unfortunate circumstances, so she is unselfishly letting me have it. I told her I'd take picture so she could live vicariously through me.
  • She totally has a great CD collection. She pulled out a dozen+ CDs for me to copy to my computer in order to make my ears happy during the cocktail party that will be happening tomorrow evening at the hotel (in my room, which I will share with three other fantastic ladies). This is not the first time she has done so. Eventually I will have her entire collection and I will cease to be a music loser. The process is already happening. I knew who George was talking about tonight on The Hour. You know, George formerly of The New Music? It's a miracle that I understand anything he says about music. And it's all because of my roommate.
Cheers to you Roomie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah ... shucks! Well, you're welcome. The Tanqueray did, admitedly, hurt a little. But what good does great gin do if left in the bottle? No good, I'd say.

As for the music, the fact that you actually understand what's great about these bands with no convincing on my part is a sign to me that you really are a music fan at heart - you just needed a little direction, which is kinda fun for me to provide.

Okay, enough of this. TIme for dishes!
