Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Pointless Law Question of the Day + One Embarassing Moment

I don't know why this thought popped into my head, but I was wondering what happens to all of the "R. v."s when we don't have a Queen anymore? When Charles takes over, will we call cases The King v. So-and-so, Rex Regis v. So-and-so? Someone, please clear this up for me.

My embarassing moment occured when I ran into one of my profs on the way out of FTX. He asked me how I was doing, and I replied that I was busy with school work and that it was getting to be "Dead Grandmother Season". He had this just absolutely horrified look on his face and seemed worried for a minute until I said that I just meant that it was getting to be that time of year where people start coming up with excuses for not getting their work done. As in "Sorry my paper is late, my grandmother died." As one former-prof friend of mine said, "they start dropping like flies this time of year."

I suppose I may have been a bit presumptuous - I just assumed he'd get that since he's a prof and I heard that expression from other of my profs (though not law profs). So wow, I don't know if he now thinks that I have really poor taste in humour or what, but the look on his face was kind of priceless (even if he does think I'm a bad person now for making light of poor dead grandmothers).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too funny...I actually remember a former York classmate trolling through recent obituaries, looking for fake proof of a deceased relative. Must be an university meme that has infected us.