Friday, December 01, 2006

First Snow of Ottawa

Yesterday morning it may have been 10 degrees and warm, but this morning I woke up (after a night of unrest) to snowfall. I feel a little ambiguous about this new weather development. I hear it's unrelentingly cold in O-Town during the winter months. But I wore my real winter coat for the first time today, and I kind of liked it.

When I walk to the bus to go to the train station, I usually walk past this church on Wilbrod. All fall I noticed on the sidewalk these beautiful impressions of fallen leaves. I could never tell if they had fallen in fresh cement and left a sort of fossil, or if they were just fallen leaves that decomposed until they were a ghost of their past selves. They always always struck me as just so beautiful.

The smoke pluming from the chimney of the house below my window is lovely and rich, but the sidewalks are already dirty and wet. Will the ghosts of our past selves be lost in the mush?

Like I said, ambiguous.

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