Saturday, December 23, 2006


Since September, I have dropped Fiorellina off at school exactly three times and all three times I managed to get her there late. Friday, her last day before Christmas break, was no exception. Apparently she also normally goes with a school bag, a snack, and a gift for her teachers. Am I supposed to know where her school bag is, what she eats for snack or whether anyone has purchased gifts for her teachers? Okaaaaay, being her actual mother, some people might expect that I'd know such things.

I sort of forget how long it takes to get two little children dressed in the morning, the negotiation and wrangling required. It takes longer than 20 minutes, so I really need to get them up before 8 a.m. if I want to get out the door by 8:25 a.m.

But I did alright when she started barfing this morning (without fail, someone gets sick at Christmastime). And I got through two entire hours of shopping on the last Saturday afternoon before Christmas with the Big Boy in tow, with nary a meltdown. Now that's parenting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ciao, chi รจ fiorellina? non riesco a capire parli troppo difficile, tanti auguri di buon natale un bacio a tutta la tua famiglia antonietta