Sunday, December 03, 2006

We Are So Precious When We Are Young

I half take back what I said below in the Wordsworth post about being poetic. Apparently there was a time in my life when I was poetic. Or at least I wanted to be. It coincided with the time in my life when I was living in Europe, riding a bike everywhere and drinking a bottle of wine per day (oh, shut your judgmental mouths, the wine was provided to me by my employers who still entrusted me with their little children and obviously realized that a bottle of wine would help in the rearing of their brood. When in Rome...).

This may be destined to be Awkward Web Moment Part II, when I reveal my youthful poetry, but it's so precious, that I'm going to risk humiliation.

Good Advice (Feb 99 R.E.)
Shed this agony of separation
and dance! Dance!
Dance as if you were barefoot
on the green grass of summer
Do twirly-whirls until dizzy
as you did when a child
And welcome back the innocence
of those pleasures
that's love's treasure map
has led you to rediscover,
Those treasures you once hid
from Pirates.

Just pretend it wasn't me who wrote that next time you see me. In truth I was a different person anyway, so that wouldn't be much of a stretch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just read your entire blog. After we talked today I remembered that you started one so I decided to check it out. Good work - very enjoyable reading.